Shrub Mix (9cm, Pack of 3)
Shrub Mix (9cm, Pack of 3)
List of plants included in our mix are as follows, the plants you receive will be totally dependant on stock available: Aucuba Crotonifolia 9cm, Berberis Telstar 9cm. Ceanothus Autumnal Blue 9cm, Ceanothus Blue Mound 9cm, Ceanothus repens 9cm, Ceanothus Skylark 9cm, Cotoneaster Autumn Fire 9cm, Cotoneaster Coral Beauty 9cm, Cotoneaster Gnom 9cm, Cotoneaster Horizontalis 9cm, Cotoneaster Oakwood 9cm, Escallonia Apple Blossom 9cm, Escallonia Donard Seedling 9cm, Escallonia Gold Ellen 9cm, Escallonia Macrantha 9cm, Escallonia Peach Blossom 9cm, Escallonia Red Elf 9cm, Euonymus Blondy 9cm, Euonymus Emerald Gaiety 9cm, Euonymus Emerald 'n Gold 9cm, Euonymus Gold Pillar 9cm, Euonymus Green Rocket 9cm, Forsythia Lynwood 9cm, Forsythia Weekend 9cm, Griselinia littoralis 9cm, Griselinia Variegata 9cm, Hebe Green Mound 9cm, Hebe Pagei 9cm, Hypericum Hidcote 9cm, Hypericum Tricolor 9cm, Lonicera Belgica 9cm, Lonicera Graham Thomas 9cm, Lonicera Lemon Beauty 9cm, Lonicera Serotina 9cm, Olearia Macrodonta 9cm, Pieris Forest Flame 9cm, Pieris Flaming Silver 9cm , Pieris Little Heath 9cm , Pieris Mountain Fire 9cm, Potentilla Abbotswood White 9cm, Potentilla Goldfinger 9cm, Potentilla Limelight 9cm, Potentilla Pink Beauty 9cm, Potentilla Princess 9cm, Potentilla Red Robin 9cm, Rosmarinus Miss Jessop's Upright 9cm, Spiraea Anthony Waterer 9cm, Spiraea Candlelight 9cm, Spiraea Goldflame 9cm, Spiraea Goldmound 9cm, Spiraea Shirobana 9cm, Spiraea Snowmound 9cm, Viburnum Bodnantense Dawn 9cm, Viburnum Davidii 9cm, Viburnum Eve Price 9cm, Weigela Brigela 9cm, Weigela florida Variegata 9cm, Weigela Foliis Purpurea 9cm, Acer Jerre Schwartz 9cm, Acer Phoenix 10cm, Agapanthus Headbourne Hybrids 9cm, Azalea Orange Beauty 9cm, Azalea Geisha Purple 9cm, Azalea Geisha White 9cm, Berberis Thunbergii Harlequin 9cm, Buddleja Pink Delight 9cm, Buddleja White Profusion 9cm. Camellia Dr. King 9cm, Camellia Silver Anniversary 9cm, Heather Calluna Garden Girls 10.5cm Pink, Chamaecyparis Boulevard 9cm, Chamaecyparis Elwood's Gold 9cm, Chamaecyparis Elwoodii 9cm, Chamaecyparis Snow White 9cm, Choisya Ternata 9cm, Cyclamen Mini Pink 9cm, Cyclamen Mini Red 9cm, Convolvulus Cneorum 9cm, Cordyline Australis 9cm, Cordyline Red Star 9cm, Cupressus Wilma 10cm, Deutzia Strawberry Fields 9cm, Erica Darleyensis Pink 10cm, Erica Darleyensis Red 10cm, Erica Darleyensis White 10cm, Eucalyptus Gunnii 9cm, Eucalyptus Silver Tropfen 9cm, Fuchsia Lady Boothby 9cm, Fuchsia Mrs. Popple 9cm, Fuchsia Sunray 9cm, Fuchsia Tom Thumb 9cm, Gaultheria Procumbens 10.5cm, Gentiana Verna 9cm, Hebe Margret 9cm, Hebe Rakaiensis 9cm, Hebe Red Edge 9cm, Hebe Wiri Charm 9cm, Hedera Gold-Edged 9cm, Hedera Gold-Edged 9cm, Hedera Green 9cm, Hedera White-Edged 9cm, Heuchera Black Beauty 13cm, Heuchera Green Spice 13cm, Heuchera Lime Marmalade 13cm, Heuchera Marmalade 13cm, Heuchera Plum Pudding 13cm, Heuchera Silver Scrolls 13cm, Hydrangea Petiolaris 9cm, Ilex Aquifolium 9cm, Juniperis Blue Carpet 9cm, Juniperus Expansa Variegata 9cm, Juniperus Gold Coast 9cm, Laurus Nobilis 10cm, Lithodora Heavenly Blue 9cm, Mahonia Charity 9cm, Mahonia Winter Sun 9cm, Ornamental Brassica Purple 13cm, Ornamental Brassica White 13cm, Pachysandra Terminalis 9cm, Pachysandra Terminalis Variegata 9cm, Parthenocissus Quinquefolia 9cm, Parthenocissus Veitchii 9cm, Pernettya Pink 10.5cm, Pernettya Red 10.5cm, Pernettya White 10.5cm, Philadelphus coronarius Aureus 9cm, Philadelphus Belle Etoile 9cm, Philadelphus Virginal 9cm, Phormium Tenax Purpureum 9cm, Physocarpus Lady in Red 9cm, Pieris Debutante 9cm, Pieris Little Heath 9cm, Pieris Prelude 9cm, Pieris Valley Valentine 9cm, Dwarf Rhododendron Impeditum 13cm.
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